After the release of the new dataset feature groups went away, making it more difficult to work with. Feature groups similar to the old data can be recreated using k-means clustering. Below is a correlation matrix of the new dataset. The only decernable pattern here is that every ~200 features is similar in some way.

We can use k-means clustering on the columns of the correlation matrix to cluster them together. Each column shows how a given feature is correlated with all of the others. We want 2 features with similar columns to be in the same group.

The new feature groups can be visualized by reordering columns in the dataset by group, and recalculating its correlation matrix. The bright squares along the diagonal of the matrix below show the new groups and how features interact within them.

Notice that the repeating pattern seen in the original correlation matrix shows up in each group. We can do better by repeating this method recursively. Basically finding sub groups within the new groups.

The recursive method produces a more interesting looking correlation matrix

Below is code for turning the nested list of groups (tree) into a dataframe.

Feature groups get more granular at each depth